Ogunleye said, “On the Lekki-Epe Expressway, you will see a secondary drainage, and off the secondary, you will see the channels, the rivers, and the sea. The big problem is that the system is not efficient because there are no drainages to take the volume of water. And the problem is very high now because of the amount of rainfall, and if the waters don’t go away, they become floods.

“Ordinarily, drainage should have been easy to de-flood because you have lowland areas – the seas where they could go, but because the government has not made an efficient system for tertiary drainage to be linked with secondary drainage and for secondary to be linked with primary drainage. Such is a big challenge, and we don’t even maintain the ones we have.”

Moving through the estate, our correspondent observed that worshippers, students, and teachers were not spared from the woes of the estate brought about by the poor drainage.

Stagnant water

Opposite Block 97 in the estate is the building of the Gospel Faith Mission International. Surrounding the church is stagnant water that has flowed to the church from the pool of water on the road opposite it.

Residents that were seen going into the church were wearing rain boots to prevent dipping their feet in the water.

The flooded surrounding of the church

Within the estate is also the Ilasan Primary School. The condition of the school seems to be more pathetic for the pupils, because, apart from overgrown grasses in the compound, right from the school gate, is a water-logged entrance that extends to the school compound. At the centre of the school blocks was a stagnant green-black colored water with some weeds raising their heads inside the pool of water.

Attempts to broadly capture the condition of the school were foiled when a woman who runs a store opposite the school gate challenged our correspondent and was beginning to make some calls. Our correspondent left the vicinity when the situation was becoming hostile.

Ilasan Primary school flooded outside and inside

But speaking generally on the stagnant water in the school and around other houses in the estate, a public health expert, Professor Tanimola Akande, said the condition was dangerous for the pupils and residents.

“The stagnant pool of water is unhealthy for any environment. Such a pool of water serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

“People who live, work, or school around such places have frequent mosquito bites that lead to repeated episodes of malaria,” the Professor of Public Health at the University of Ilorin, and a Consultant Public Health Physician with the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, said.

Expressing fear of reptile attacks, Professor Tanimola added, “Reptiles such as snakes can also be in such stagnant water that may also bite humans,” saying “This can be very dangerous.”

Some of the residents also told our correspondent that one of the reasons they wore rain boots was to prevent germs from the water and any other dangerous organism in the water from getting to their feet.

Some planks usually doubled as bridges constructed as walk paths within the buildings in some sections of the estate. This is to prevent the dwellers from wading through the waters that have actually taken over the entrance to some of the buildings.

In some situations, if one is not a swimmer, the situation could be pathetic if one falls into the pool of water, especially children.

While passing through some of the buildings, a girl, around the age of seven years, fell while running with another little girl around three years old. They both fell near a pool of water on the ground before an adult helped both of them to get up. The situation would have been pathetic if they had both fallen into the water.

“There is no way we can enter our room without the wooden bridges,” a woman, who did not give her name but was seen spreading her clothes on the line with her feet inside the stagnant spirogyra-filled water that almost reached her knees, said.

Woman washing clothes in the estate with feet inside the stagnant water