Home Security Nigerian Navy NNS Beecroft Thwarts Controlled Substance Smuggling

Nigerian Navy NNS Beecroft Thwarts Controlled Substance Smuggling

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In a swift and proactive operation, the Nigerian Navy Ship Beecroft has successfully intercepted several medium-sized wooden boats believed to be transporting controlled substances into Lagos State.

According to an official statement signed by the Base Information Officer, Sub Lieutenant HA Collins the operation was based on credible intelligence gathered using the state-of-the-art Maritime Domain Awareness System, Falcon Eye Alignment.

The statement noted that upon reaching the designated areas, including Iworo, Ibeshe, and Badagry in Lagos State, NNS Beecroft patrol squads discovered the wooden boats laden with approximately 40 kilograms each of 66 bags suspected to contain Cannabis Sativa.

Although the individuals responsible for this illicit activity managed to evade capture upon sighting the naval patrol team, the confiscated items have been handed over to the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) for further investigation and appropriate action.

The Base Information Officer stressed that this successful interception highlights the Nigerian Navy’s unwavering commitment and determination under the leadership of Vice Admiral EI Ogalla to combat all forms of illegal activities and create a conducive environment for legitimate businesses to flourish, ultimately contributing to the economic prosperity of the nation.

He however called on the public to actively support the ongoing campaign against drug traffickers by providing relevant information to help eradicate this menace. This effort aligns with Vice Admiral EI Ogalla’s vision to curb illicit activities, enhance maritime domain security, and uphold the rule of law.

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