Home International news UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Bows to Cabinet Pressure Over Student Visa Scheme

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Bows to Cabinet Pressure Over Student Visa Scheme

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UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has reversed his initial plans to shorten or eliminate the post-study work period for international students, following significant pressure from senior cabinet members.

This decision comes after concerns were raised by Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, Education Secretary Gillian Keegan, and Home Secretary James.

Initially, Sunak had aimed to alter the Student Visa scheme to limit the time foreign students could remain in the UK after completing their studies. This proposal, however, faced strong opposition from key cabinet members who emphasized the importance of maintaining the current visa provisions for international students.

Despite retaining the existing post-study work period, the UK government plans to implement additional measures. These include tightening restrictions on the British Degree Courses Market and mandating English language tests for some international students, in line with the latest net migration figures.

The UK government has been grappling with measures to curb legal migration since November, following a report by the Office for National Statistics revealing that net migration had soared to 745,000 in 2022. In response, several steps have been taken, such as prohibiting foreign students from bringing in dependents and raising the salary threshold required to qualify for a visa.

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