Home Politics south-south Governors Threaten to Boycott Nigeria Governors Forum, Demand Action Against Wike

south-south Governors Threaten to Boycott Nigeria Governors Forum, Demand Action Against Wike

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According to Vanguard, Governors from Nigeria’s South-South region have declared a boycott of all Nigeria Governors Forum (NGF) meetings, including the National Economic Council (NEC), citing dissatisfaction with the forum’s inaction against Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Minister Nyesom Wike’s attacks on its members.

The governors are particularly outraged by Wike’s recent comments and actions targeting Rivers State Governor Siminalayi Fubara and other PDP governors. They are calling on President Bola Tinubu to intervene, either by cautioning or removing Wike from office, to restore confidence in the NGF’s leadership and prevent further instability in Rivers State.

The governors criticized the NGF for failing to address concerns raised by its members, particularly regarding Governor Fubara’s treatment. They also expressed a lack of confidence in NGF Chairman Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq’s leadership, accusing him of failing to unify the forum.

President Tinubu faces growing pressure to address the country’s challenges, including the escalating tensions between the South-South governors and Wike. The governors are demanding immediate action to ensure Wike does not continue actions that threaten party unity and peace in Rivers State.

The boycott and demands for action underscore the need for decisive leadership to restore stability and unity in Nigeria. The South-South governors’ move may have significant implications for the country’s political landscape, particularly ahead of future elections.

An aide to one of the South-South governors emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating, “We urge President Tinubu to intervene and ensure the NGF leadership promotes unity and respect among its members.” The president’s response will be closely watched as Nigeria navigates this critical moment.


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