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Jane osamor

At Lagos Airports Hotel, come with your family for a life changing experience, a touch from heaven power fully conference at Airports hotel, Ikeja, Lagos. Through the 5th to 9th at Royal Tower Awolowo way, Ikeja. This piece was amongst corps of media professional with the Iconic Bishop Tom Samson, of Christ Royal Family International Church, that has transform many lives with amazing outstanding attestation. Enjoy the excepts.

Sir, you have anchored this Programme for over two decades what are the significant values?
Secondly, when we talk cultism and societal vices, don’t you think there is a role for parental upbringing and family values to counter that background ?
for example when we talk about the impact – It’s War started in Lagos as a Lagos affair but if I look back the impact on peoples lives when you come to it is War you will see Pastors believers, people who are not even Christians they come from far and near that’s why it’s War is not a denominational thing it has impacted many lives today people who were coming as ordinary people but today the are Bishops some are Apostles, some are business owners, some are business manager in banks, some are military general, some are politicians today. Before it is war we were not having schools and hospital but now people are affected globally.There are many who oil and gas owners in port Harcourt branch who came here and God provides for them with powerful jobs I remember one man that sent me to Paris, he got a job and he said man of God come over to Paris over 15 years ago, I went and organised program in Paris, from there we moved to London many people lives were impacted in London, and with many business. we moved to Atlanta, Houston, Canada and my ministry is established in these places as well and it’s really happening there.The whole community here in Anifowhoso, police stations, Egbeda,and lkorudu giving out food items, this was on social media’s, they all carried it because people have impacted and assisted in the work. IT I S WAR!
When it comes to evil in the land you can’t give what you don’t have, you see charity begins at home for example, when We growup our parents discipline us but this days when you discipline a child the mother and father will come and warn you to leave their kids alone. Back in the days , there was an adage which says “one person na em dey born but the whole community help in the training of the child, things has changed people are moving away from the things of God, time will tell when we talk about parental influence it’s a mother who will leave house very early and come late and will not cook for her husband and her daughter not even having her mum around to train her. When people move away from God it affects everybody, is the same people that endanger government, imagine a cultist in university enter government what will he render? Some of the people we have today at the top check their background some of them are head of aye head of different cult when they were in university what can they offer if they become president of a nation Even the Bible say when a righteous man is on the throne the nation will be happy so whether they like it or not the righteous will prevail, what’s happening in the community today is when parents don’t know God how will they bring their children to God, when we despite the things of God we’ll pay for it .

Precisely where did we get it wrong what can we do to correct all sort of abnormality happenings in the land looking at the age range of people involving in drug abuse, Cultism and other vices? They much.

I want to say this if my counselling Will be taken let government be involved in all the schools not just religion.
Look at America today they are fighting to bring Bible back to school they saw it was affecting the nation each state have their laws
We are going back to the formative stage.
Those days when we were in school there was fellowship in the camups where people comes to share Bible with us this thing start from formative stage lets go back let Government encourage the preaching of the gospel this look like a mockery
Righteousness exalts a nation forget those old people that are rotten let’s us catch them young
Let there be preaching of the gospel in schools
Can I tell if even it’s Muslim.
I went to Islamic grammar school. my secondary school days there was foundation of Islamic, we were taught how to do things right.
I’m a Bishop but you can see my formative stage
We were thought 7 pillars of Islam. Let’s go back it might take time the journey of how many years start from here
Today everybody is rubbishing religion.
They are even saying all the tax collected from everywhere is handed to religious leaders.
People thought that money is in the church, do you know that many people came to church on sunday to asked for children school fees many don’t know their Senators house but they know a church some there to go and they problems is fixed.
Every church day is open
Not a Senators house or legislator house even their offices you can’t just enter
Every church you enter after service you see people asking for helps
It’s easier to ask for help in the church than to go to politicians house
We have been helping people even when we were very small you see why people come to church because they get encouraged.
Those of you that were in the service this morning you saw what I preached is encouragement,
When people are frustrated they need encouragement word of God gives hope makes you relax,
If any ministry will not give help you will not see people there, the poor are more than the rich
Most of the time
Many ministry they use buses to carry members some individual arrange to carry members.
When you see a man of God they say the church has money
I have alot of multi millionaires I raised in this ministry
Like I told you some took me to Paris some years ago
He was jobless I prayed for him he got a job at Total Elf in pH and he was transferred to Paris he said what I enjoyed in pH come and do it here he invited me to come to Paris,
My going to America somebody financed it not church individual,
Any pastor that will not impact into somebody life you will not go far
Life is about impacts so at the end of the day the church is stil the best place people get help from.

Yes sir, It’s War 2014 how prepared are you to take in the load of human being that will be coming? because we are in the time of hardship and everybody turning back to God and this program is coming up, how prepared are you?

ls not about me the Bible says how God anointed Jesus Christ with holy ghost and with power who went about doing good ability to do is the help of the holy spirit one we have a commission we have an instruction and
We are ever ready no matter the number is the help of the holy spirit whether billions of people this is a divine instruction that God gave, can I even tell that this it’s War l was the first beneficiary it’s War took me internationally when the Lord told me 2004, its War I was using camouflage before I changed to this new one the fliers was everywhere in Lagos that was the fliers four Americans saw in their hotel they picked it up they said the Lord spoke to them that they should bring this man to America and this ministry of deliverance have taken it to 32 states in America they said the Lord asked us to bring you to America. from there it’s War have taken it to UK, Europe have been the first beneficiary
The impact of it’s War is amazing it has touched lives many of them were nobody struggling but today they are grand mother and grand father,
About getting ready is the holy spirit.

The on going proposed plan by the nationwide protest by the Nigeria youth seeking some reforms judiciary reform deduction of salary of the national assembly members?

we cited example with Kenya when they increased they taxation and the citizen protested the president reduced it our president is a listening president he has always be on the side of democracy what is democracy government of the people by the people
I want to plead with the president they should listen to the cry of the people I want to plead with our president whatever he can do to reduce the suffering,
One day all the offerings we gather are meeting needs
There are widows we put on salary
School fees we have to pay
When we say it’s War does not mean we should be fighting.

Tell us the date it’s War is starting?
August 4th on Sunday, at Lagos Airport Hotel, Oromiyan hall Monday, 5th we move to Royal Towel, Monday to Friday 6 Pm, on Saturday 9am it’s War, by third week in August we move to London.

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