Home Politics Wike Called me 19 Times in 2 Hours Begging yo be Vice Presidential Candidate – Dino Melaye

Wike Called me 19 Times in 2 Hours Begging yo be Vice Presidential Candidate – Dino Melaye

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In a recent interview, Dino Melaye, a former Nigerian senator, launched a scathing attack on Nyesom Wike, the current Minister of the Federal Capital Territory and former governor of Rivers State. Melaye accused Wike of dishonesty and hypocrisy, alleging that Wike made private attempts to secure the vice presidential nomination in Atiku Abubakar’s 2023 presidential campaign, despite publicly criticizing the same campaign.

Melaye, who spoke during an interview with Symfoni TV, claimed that Wike’s public image as a defender of Southern Nigeria’s political interests is inconsistent with his private behavior. According to Melaye, Wike had been pleading with him and others to convince Atiku Abubakar, the 2023 presidential candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), to choose him as his running mate. This, Melaye argued, exposes Wike’s duplicity.

“Wike is a pretentious character; he is a liar, and he has no integrity. Wike was calling me when Atiku Abubakar was to announce his running mates,” Melaye said during the interview. He further claimed to have proof of Wike’s attempts, stating, “I have records, and I’ve printed them out, and I’m waiting for him.”

Melaye went on to provide specific details of the alleged incident, claiming that Wike made repeated phone calls to him during the critical period when Abubakar was selecting his running mate. “He called me 19 times in 2 hours, begging us to convince Abubakar to make him the vice presidential candidate,” Melaye revealed.

The former senator also mentioned that Wike went as far as spending hours at an airport, desperately trying to reach out to him. “To the extent that he was at the airport, I have a video where he spent hours in the airport calling me; he called me ‘my brother and friend.’ I have witnesses,” Melaye added.

In his remarks, Melaye did not hold back, referring to Wike as a hypocrite and someone without moral character. He stated that he has all the necessary evidence to back up his claims and is prepared to confront Wike publicly if necessary.

The allegations, if substantiated, could further intensify the already heated political atmosphere within the PDP and the broader Nigerian political landscape. Wike, known for his outspoken nature, has yet to respond to Melaye’s claims.


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