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By Jane osamor

… As he moves into a higher level of grace

In this piece with Jane Osamor, and the commander of Federal Road Safety Corps, Patrick Dung Devou, his a commander who makes extra mile to make things happens for the sakes of others as he shared how pleased he is to have worked in Lagos state, It’s a laudable experience, sent his candid appreciation to the Lagos state governor Sanwo- olu, for always ready to supports and to all that stood by the agency like the stakeholder’s, the philanthropy, Rt. Hon. James Abiodun Faleke, representative Ikeja federal consistency and the Lagos state security task forces and a lot’s of individuals, who as giving them enablement to achieved all. To the motorist caution on our road’s and safety should be their watch words always, enjoy it.

My name is Patrick D. Devou, the corps commander sector commander, of Lagos state federal road safety corps.

Kindly tell us how Lagos state federal road safety corps could restore back the respects’ and honours they use to have amongst other agency which they have built with so much hard work and commitments?
The federal road safety corps has you know is the leading agency in traffic managements and administration in Nigeria. Federal road safety corps came to births has a result of the national records of lots of road traffic crisis on our roads, because of the ugly scenario one of the leader’s created FRSC, in order to see how the road crisis’s could be immunized or being reduced. since inception of the federal road safety corps, the agency has been doing laudable programs and projects that as greatly encourages the reduction of the road traffic crisis’s. most people really respect the corps because the corps as been doing very well in that aspects, we started from somewhere and we are going somewhere, so we are really focused on doing our job to the best of our knowledge and ability.

About the procurement of particular’, why the delay in issuing out of vehicle’s license or vehicle documents, and how best can it be hasting to curb fake particular’s and to easy the drivers for renewal of their particulars, what can the corps do?
You know in every spare of life change is constants , the production of the drives license’s which FRSC, is a trumpeted system it all started somewhere it was like a booklet before it move to customized and now it enhance so, the issue of driver’s license and vehicles papers , like I said it is a trumpeted system. We have the federal road safety corps, we have the board of internal revenues and the VIO, this three work together to see how the vehicles papers and licenses a been issued out, the FRSC has nothing to do with vehicle’s paper or does internal revenue’s do, what the FRSC does is that when the drivers licensing and the people are going through the processing the ends process then the people will now reports to FRSC for the productions of the drivers licenses, if it’s a new one you have to go through registered driving school which you will go through some training’s, it takes about 26 session’s for you to complete it, when that is done you are issued a certificate and the VIO satisfy it has someone that has gone through learning on how to drive and he or she can drive, once that is done you will be giving a form to fill, it could be online when that is done payments is made, you will now go to the FRSC office where biometric and other necessary details are taking and capturing physically are made, after which a temporary licenses will be given to you which after three month you will collect the original copies. There are procedures we cannot think of short cuts, there is a process and they have to go through that process. Because if you try to do the shorts cuts you may end up to be giving a fake drive licenses but not from really resource, fake documents could put you in big troubles.

FRSC has been one of the agencies known for their commitment and kindness in ensuring the life of the people and traffic management are in place, how best do you think the citizenry could be of supports or collaborates with the agency for better service’s in our society?
This is a good question, like we said safety is a shared responsibility it’s not for FRSC alone, it’s a collective responsibility, we have stakeholder’s, we have people who we collaborate with, who we are working together with and a lot of people that has come out assisting the FRSC to preaching the gospel of safety on our road’s. let me just use this recent event as an exemplary. A day before yesterday when the Rt. Hon. James Abiodun Faleke, empowered the agency with a brand-new Hilux to aids the pursues of a better delivering and enforcements. We have been receiving such gestures the order time we received 4 new bikes from Lagos state security task forces, this have gone a long way to enhance our effectiveness and efficiency on the roads and also many philanthropy and individuals have equally assisted both financially, materially and otherwise for us to do our job well because they know the life’s we saves today maybe theirs tomorrow.

We should be celebrating Nigerian’s independents at 64th years in a few days from now, what is your wishes to the nation?
Nigeria is a great country I am just telling you for free, for us to have moved to this level, we really give thanks to God, it’s well with Nigeria. No nation has ever in one day becomes great, a journey of thousand miles starts with a step, all this developed nation’s you are seeing today started from somewhere and we are going through the same processes and Nigeria is going to get better soonest because God is on our sides.
your good will massages to Lagosian has you move on to a greater level in life?
I am so, delighted to have worked in Lagos state, Lagos state is a mini Nigeria where everything’s you needed is in Lagos, living in Lagos is so great, so sweet, the job I am doing here I am so satisfied 2,4,7. No sleeping either I am on the road with my staff rescuing one road traffics victims or another and receiving call’s here and there, I am always very busy 2,4,7, and l like coming to Lagos state to work I came in from Jos plateau state last year 2rd August 2023, has a zona head of operations, from here I acted as a zona commander officer, five months interval I became sector commander. Since last year I have been working in Lagos and contributing my quarter’s in FRSC, to Lagos state particularly, we have done a lot, me and my teams and we are still doing a lot to ensure that Lagosian are free from serious road traffic congestion and crisis. What we are trying to says, is that if a crisis must occur there shouldn’t not be any loss of lives that is what we are working towards, I really thank the governor of Lagos state sanwo-olu, for giving us supports to FRSC and we will continue to do our best and all my staffs they made the jobs more achievable.

Do you have anything to add to this interview sir?
yes! I want to use this opportunity to talk to motorist that we are in the ember months the ember months is not really difference from every other months just that there are lots of actives taking places and the fear of unknown that has been instill in must of us that during this periods there are a lot of crisis’s that happens, while there a lot of people that are coming in from the diaspora, influxes of vehicles and human because It’s festivity period, motorist should drive jeje with cautiousness, and avoid anything that will make us involve our self in any crash, we should not be in a rush to want to make it at once, No overloading, No speeding trying to run more turns to make more money regardless of your safety on the roads I say No, so I am telling Lagosian , all Nigerian’s to take it easy and drives jeje at this period and always only the living celebrates and lives’ has no duplicates.

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