Home crime Muslim Rights Group Calls For Ban On Movie Featuring Armed Women In Niqab

Muslim Rights Group Calls For Ban On Movie Featuring Armed Women In Niqab

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The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has vehemently condemned an upcoming Nigerian movie for its “satanic” portrayal of Muslim women.

The film, featuring actress Nancy Isime and others, depicts women wearing the niqab while brandishing weapons, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and inciting public hatred.

MURIC’s Executive Director, Professor Ishaq Akintola, denounced the movie as deeply anti-Muslim and Islamophobic, calling for its ban to prevent further harm to the Muslim community.

According to the statement signed by Prof. Ishaq Akintola,he explained “The upcoming film, unveiled by Nancy Isime, shows women in niqab brandishing weapons and robbing banks. It is Islamophobia taken to the highest level. This film is satanic, repugnant, and provocative,” Akintola stated.

He warned that the film could incite public hostility towards Muslim women and expose Muslims to ridicule and contempt. Akintola suggested that the film is part of a long-standing plot against Muslim women’s attire, particularly the hijab and niqab, a campaign which has previously seen legal battles in Nigerian courts.

MURIC urged the National Film and Video Censors Board to investigate and impose an immediate ban on the film. Akintola also called on Nigerian Muslims to remain calm and peaceful while the authorities take the necessary action.

Following the film’s poster release, which shows women in niqab holding guns in a bank robbery scene, outrage has erupted among the Muslim community. Some have threatened to file complaints with Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, to take action against what they describe as Islamophobic content.

Reacting on Facebook, Latifat Adewunmi Jumah stated, “The niqab/hijab is not an armed robbery attire! If you needed to conceal your identity for a perfect robbery role, you could have used a nose mask or worn a mask. Why wear Islamic attire?”

Another user, Alfa Shehu, criticized the involvement of a fellow Muslim in the film, accusing the cast of hypocrisy and sensationalism for monetary gain,aantv.Africa reports

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